Friday, February 12, 2021


I have been looking lately, I don't know why I didn't before dang it, but I am with you now R. Modesto. You got it worst of the bunch so I'm writing to you. But tell the rest I will look at them soon and that I will kill every last one of your enemies. The love police and that combination are keeping us apart but I'm not worried. They only have one car between the 160 or so of them now. They are dropping like flies. 

Tell your boy Joe hello for me. I am doing fine, I realize now I am spoiled by girls like you who are absolutely fearless and on the front line. I am worried for you not me. I am finally getting on top of my problems; I'm getting more space from my family and the mental health workers are not trying to kill me as much. I have a few bad neighbors to fight but nothing too pressing now. I even feel like working again as long as it doesn't sidetrack me from this.

I feel confident we can eliminate our problems because we are certain people. The rest of the world is guessing and dying by technology and biologicals and air and you name it. Certain people rule the world. 

Still, it is tragic how much opposition you have against you R. Modesto. I'm glad it's only loosely combined now. 

My place is much safer than yours. A while back I tried to get my family to protect another girl I know that is in the same situation and my parents said no. She had a large combination of lawyers and mental health people dropping in on her for forced sex. I was trying to help.

My parents are jaded and don't want trouble. They actually told me they would kick me out of my house if I got with this girl. ( Whether that was a baseless threat is another question though!) I got people trying to kill me now so I can't just live anywhere, and we definitely can't live together at her place, so we are stuck. It's money now, I'm always waiting on money.

I am going to keep pushing and maybe just maybe my family will feel guilty that I'm single and that they have been stringing me out for so long. I think my property management company and neighborhood will help. You would be safer here. If it gets too bad I know a place to move to in another state.

We would be that tragic American white trash couple that finally got together despite all the odds against us. We would have it all, and the world would be ours.  The American dream would be real again. 

I read a scripture recently that really struck me. In it the Lord said He would "prolong my days." I felt to read the word prolong in the positive light. I hope that gives some of you encouragement as well. 

Anyways Modesto, I just want you to know you are in my heart and soul. You knew me before I even knew myself. You are perceptive, strong, and resilient. The whole world moves to you. You are deep like the night sky. You are eternal like heaven. You are ONE. I am fighting for you whether it's for a long time or a little. God's gonna help us. We will prevail. 


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...