Friday, September 27, 2024


                We all have skills, I guess. -- Simone Biles

One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry. -- Oscar Wilde

 The best revenge is massive success. -- Frank Sinatra

This post is to all you man-loving bros out there who read this blog. I got no beef with you but just want to inform you that it really, really pays to work for women these days. Are you aware of what benefits you can get from women and the solstice? Here's a number to claim yours! Solstice Help Chat. If you serve more, I swear more will pay you back ten fold. 
The time is now for men to decide whether they will get with the program or not.  

Many of you guys are missing out in trying to go it alone; don't you know women control everything? You can't hardly sleep these days without some kind of insurance with women in place. Women control the banks and money; what will you do, try and bury it? If you want to do or find anything now days you have to do it with the woman-controlled internet. And you know women handle the food....... 

You can say I am sheltered and that I don't know what rough is. You can say I'm doing the day wrong. You can say I fell on my face in getting taken into the mental hospital-- i.e. that that whole spiel was all my fault. You can say I don't want to work. 

You could be right on some of those things but the truth is I'm really a pretty normal right-thinking guy like you. I'm just trying to do what's reasonable and practical without any ego trip or fanfare. I know my circumstances well and also don't want to get myself killed by trying to exceed anything. 

My story: I ended up in the mental hospital for a slew of reasons but mostly due to the following: an excessively bad family situation, a false economy, a recession, a bloated mental health system, inflated educational expenses and interest rates, people stealing from me, betrayal by many of my family and acquaintances, religious dogma I had embraced, some intense hatred and social prejudice towards grad students and lawyers, bad parenting and instruction throughout life, cyber bullying, heavy spying, a social funnel, psychological profiling, some mania in society, and a sinister secret combination that is mostly dead now but was trying to undermine us all. 

In other words, what happened to me was a once in a life time perfect storm. I think it could happen to anyone. And it IS happening now to many people nowadays so don't feel so smug and secure.

I had to work my way through college and graduated from undergraduate studies debt free. I worked as a teacher, in construction, in manufacturing, property maintenance, custodial, and in the law. I'm the only law student I know of who turned down summer legal internship opportunities to work at a manual labor brick laying job in construction (which by the way, paid more money ha, ha, ha). 

I only took out student loans for law school, which was a very costly mistake. During the recession that hit just as I graduated there were hardly any legal jobs available and the ones that were were horrible --or even worse, not for real. I defaulted on my law loan payments during this time but would have paid them down if I would have been allowed to. I merely went delinquent on one student loan repayment and they took me into the mental hospital.

Looking back, it was all planned out, my family and the sky were blocking my emails to other employers, and there was no work or opportunity anyways. I probably wouldn't have been able to find work in the law with anyone other than with my crummy uncle who was a lawyer and was partially employing me, but was seriously trying to OWN me. After about a year, my uncle and I had a falling out and I couldn't find any other legal or other type work afterwards.

Well, that's enough info about me. I don't mean to tell you my whole life story but basically, all I'm saying is some of you bros really need to try not to hate me. Believe me, there's nothing to be jealous of. I didn't seek out any notoriety I have now. I don't have any vain ambitions to conquer the world. I also don't want to get rich R-ing. I just want to be free from all these mental health constraints and live out my life like a normal person. People in the world judging me for getting an education should take a step back and really try and understand is all I'm saying. Check out this song by The Tutors.  

Care is "the climb" and where it's at nowadays. And for both yours and my sake, care really needs to be done. Here is a helpful quiz and information to determine where you stand on therapy. Therapy Quiz. Remember these people say they are just trying to help.

I have mobility problems. I can't keep tags off me very long. Mental health people gave me brain surgery and unless I want to go through an extensive lobotomy and lose half my brain, I'll probably always be tagged in my brain. I can shut me down with heat waves and electrodes whenever my brain activity peaks. It is hard to do anything in secret because of this. 

I am too smart. I have no privacy. Everyone's trying to shoot my house and I can't go anywhere safely without a lot of help with me. I'm really not built for and able to do secret air jobs myself right now. It is not my forte but I respect and appreciate those who do it.

If you risk your life for the day or a good cause you should be rewarded. The day I know is May Day and will turn any well-deserving guy. If you don't know what May Day is read about May Day celebrations here. Some of you guys ought to get with these May Day and hit them up sometime is all I'm saying. The girls I know have helped me through thick and thin and are rock solid warriors and beauties. They are some very good ones to serve and about as powerful as you are going to find. They deserve your loyalty and won't let you down.  

I don't believe in conventional marriage traditions. I think conventional marriage is false security, mental stagnation, and a crutch I don't need. I do believe every way should get their turn though. There are enough women to go around; we don't need to fight over them. You know it says in the scriptures, even Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedick. (ha, ha, ha)

So anyways guys, don't hate, I'm not trying to horde all the women in the world. The women also don't love me any more than they love you guys. I don't have any strings attached to these May Day women. I just want them to have ample hands and to be protected and safe. 

Have you all read this book, cause I have: The Testosterone Advantage: A Complete Guide to Male Hormonal Balance and Endocrine Health? Believe me, I know it's tough sleeping with all the testosterone that builds up, (I only wish I wasn't old now and had more left!). Here is a children's decor site that has a practical message for many guys concerning these problems. Unicorns, Mermaids, Fairies. Maybe some of you will buy this art message and put it on your wall! (ha, ha, ha)

I would do more of the physical work if I had the time, freedom and opportunity to. Right now I am forced into more of a delegating, organizational, leadership type role though. I am dealing with mass problems, both national and international. I work all day and still do not get to the bottom of all the people trying to attack me. Being prepared and developing my BU is therefore a necessity for me and my biggest calling in life. As things escalate and get bigger and bigger, BU is going to be my best defense. 

So anyways, this is the song I think I'm singing today. Sweet Home Alabama. I'm Lynyrd Skynyrd, you guys are Muscle Shoals. Our May Day is Sweet Home Alabama. 

Well, thanks for choosing to roll with me. I'll try not to let you down. Read this information if you have any doubts. Hot Issue. Remember it has all been planned out long ahead of time.

I just have to continue to stay ahead of it, bring my A game everyday, make you guys safe through BU, and keep this huge operation and machine rolling forward. I'll do my best to lessen the blank roll printing if you will do your homework and read this material on arbitrage futures I learned in college. Futures Arbitrage Contracts

Also, here is a news headline and youtube link you might like. Fat Tuesday  Parties don't last forever so again, I just want you to know I appreciate the support you guys have given me and continue to offer. We really do have some great women on our side helping us. Let's do what we can to keep these girls safe. 

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 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...