Saturday, January 15, 2022


So I just want to announce to all the skeptics that I have a career plan now. Never mind that I'm old and forget that I have worked in or tested for four career fields thus far-- those were not it, and I am serious about this new career path. 

To be fair, I would have been certified in a career field a long time ago had my parents not been bribing the examiners to fail me. Yep, I was going to be a high school English teacher and I took the teacher's credential test and passed it. I asked my mother if she had seen my test results and she lied and told me I failed the test. I just took her word for it. A little while later I decided to go to law school and took the bar. I got my test results back from the bar and couldn't figure out their grading. It still didn't dawn on me though that I was being conned. Lastly, I took a truck driving course here in the state. I drove perfectly on my exams and the tester still wouldn't pass me. Then it occurred to me what was happening all this time and even way back into my college days playing basketball in my hometown. My parents were bribing my coaches to bench me and my test examiners and teachers to fail me! 

This is all so frustrating I want to tear out my hair knowing that my parents have interfered with my plans as much as they have. It is all said and done now, but I guess what I'm trying to complain about is that even from an early and naive age, my parents have been carrying out a secret, systematic and calculated plan to povertize me. They are cold-hearted Jews I tell you! I hardly have anything good to say about them. In fact, I think I hate them for this. 

Back to my career plan though. I just want to announce that like Kip in Napoleon Dynamite, I am serious about training for and going into "cage-fighting." (ha, ha, ha, yeah, that movie really stuck in my head didn't it.)  As opposed to other jobs, I think cage-fighting is the field I am personally called to by God and which motivates me the most.  I want to rescue the bluebirds and fight the pedos and mental health freaks until every last one of them is dead. I think if I am focused on these problems I will accomplish the most good and my personal cage-fighting dilemmas may be minimal and/or minimized. 

This is such an amorphous field and career goal I don't think my parents or anyone else for that matter, will be able to prevent me from it. Yeah, I am now going to be focusing on the big-picture problems, so call me a generalist if you will. Maybe I wasn't cut out for a specialist-type job anyway. I trained hard for those specialist jobs but they never seemed to materialize for me. 

Do you know how much some of these corporate generalist-type CEOs are making nowadays?  Maybe I shouldn't complain because being a generalist could have some serious material advantages. We will see though, wish me luck. And please check out the link below to see the end career goal. Magic!  


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...