Thursday, May 25, 2023

Stay Thirsty

   Be faithful to that which exists within yourself. -- Andre Gide

We ought to have the building up of Zion as our greatest object         --  Joseph Smith  

Been talking to my friend Cassi lately about her childhood in a white Mormon family in San Francisco Bay area. She has some horrible abuse stories to tell about her childhood there. I swear, I don't know how some people recover from abuse like what she mentioned to me and move on with their lives. When children are trafficked like she was, I don't know how they forgive and better yet, get even, with so many perpetrators. 

On average, abuse is being handled better today than in the 80s and 90s-- but the problem is still very common and the laborers are few. I have been searching for good organizations to donate money and time to in this area. I have found that nonprofit organizations in this field are not all the same and some are bad and further traps for the unsuspecting. But here is a really good one that I found:

The organization is called Safe & Sound, located in San Francisco, CA.  Their website says they are taking a comprehensive approach toward alleviating child abuse by "building communities that are responsive to the needs of children and families..... because together we can create a future free from childhood trauma where all children are safe, supported and loved." I think this organization is one of the leading organizations in the Bay Area as well as the country. Here is how I rate them:

Effort Level --9 out of 10, with 10 being the best
Use of Funds --9 out of 10, with 10 being the best
Leadership in the Field-- 9 out of 10, with 10 being the best
Difficulty/Weight of Problems Being Addressed in their Region-- 9 out of 10, with 10 being the most difficult
Comprehensive Reach in their Area-- 7 out of 10, with ten being the best

As you can see, I think Safe & Sound is doing an excellent job. The only negative I can find is their reach--they don't have the resources and manpower to reach all of the families and children that are in need in northern California and the Bay Area. I'm sure Safe & Sound will find a way to address the needs of these kids eventually, but too many reported and unreported cases are falling through the cracks now and we need to help. 

Technology and an active day are making the world a much safer place today. It would be easy to let up now, think all is well, and say that someone else will address these problems eventually. I think what we need to remember is the simple and profound advice of the iconic Dos Equis beer commercial man of the 2000s. (ha, ha, ha)  He would always say, "Stay thirsty my friends." (And if you haven't watched these commercials look them up on this YouTube link, they are hilarious.)

So anyway, I think we can all do a little better if we try. Perfection is the goal and we can reach it. Hope you all are well, peace out and stay thirsty my friends.  


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...