"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go." -- Oscar Wilde
Hi there, here are a couple jokes about psychologists that I read recently: 1) Freud: if it's not one thing, it's your mother. 2) I saw a psychologist who used to be a baker. He really knows how to analyze the cake. 3) Two psychologists pass each other in the hallway. One says, 'Hi!' The other thinks, 'I wonder what he actually meant by that.' (ha, ha, ha)
On a different note, I read something intriguing from the World Health Organization (WHO) concerning mental health patients worldwide. The WHO says, 67.3% of deaths among people with mental disorders were due to natural causes, 17.5% to unnatural causes, and 15.2% to other or unknown causes. The median years of potential life loss was 10 years. WHO also says 14.3% of deaths worldwide, or approximately 8 million deaths each year are attributable to mental disorders.
In 1937 psychiatric inpatients in New York had a mortality rate 6 times greater than that of the general population of New York. Only a few years ago the WHO stated that mortality rates for psychiatric inpatients in the U.S. were 3 times that of the general population.
Okay, so I am not going to challenge any of these WHO statistics and think they may all very well be correct. What I will challenge though is their applicability to me. As I have said many times before on here, and will repeat again, -- I'm not and never will be a statistic. Anyone who tries to predict, define, or stereotype me will be sadly disappointed. I think I am an exception to these mortality rates for the following reasons:
First and foremost, the world over the last 30 years has changed dramatically. With technological advances, a huge righting in society, and general global warming, we truly live in unprecedented times. The world has changed so much that past mental health statistics will not be a good predictor of future outcomes.
In 1937 psychiatric inpatients had a mortality rate 6 times higher. Only a few years ago, that mortality rate had significantly dropped to only 3 times higher. I bet that rate is 2 times higher today. Mental health now supposedly affects 1 in 14 people. It has become so mainstream that my chances are greatly improved through the herd immunity effect. ( ha, ha, ha)
Another disparity I see in those statistics is the locations and times used. I do not live in New York State and this, thank God, is not pre-World War II, 1937. Mental health treatment varies widely between states and though Utah is one of the worst states in the nation to be slammed with a mental health commitment, it is not as bad as some eastern U.S. states or countries in Europe for example.
When I was incarcerated in the mental health ward I could hardly relate with any of the patients there. The reason I think, is that many of those patients were in fact chronically ill, depressive, crazy, and psychotic. I am not being rude or vain in saying this-- Ra really is ill and is going to die much, much faster than me. These mortality statistics mostly apply to the bad mental health patients, not the good.
Still, I am a big target now and do have a ton of sick mental health freaks in society trying to shoot my house. But those are all being handled so, so, so very well by my friends. Throughout October 2023, I know I had about 55 people try and shoot my house as a kind of Halloween surprise. That wasn't the most I've had in a single month thus far, (you'd be blown out of the water if I told you just how many), but I must say, everything was handled perfectly those months and I was as safe and well as ever.
Safety is my middle name now and I think I am very well prepared for it. Traveling is a risk everyone takes into their own hands and I think the roads are very perilous nowadays. I try to travel as little as possible. My friends have helped me find good housing and a very, very, very defensive place to live, so I think my chances of survival are greatly improved.
Good publicity also plays a role. I don't search for things written about me online, but know that things have been written. Please thank those who have written; they don't know how meaningful their writing is. I feel like W.C. Fields when he wrote, "I drink therefore I am."
As I just kind of mentioned, I am probably the last guy in the world who wants publicity-- but if birth or circumstances have thrust it upon me or if it works in my favor to write about me, my situation, or just mental health generally, then I guess I am all for it. Do tell people to be judicious and only write what is necessary. I would like to be anonymous as long as possible. Thus far my name, profile, and address have been handled very, very well.
The general G is a major reason why I'm doing so well and why I think I'll survive. Many of the people who want to kill me don't have access to my location, a live car, or even live hands anymore. Some do though. The big thing they can try to do to me is mob me, but we have things protecting from that. So D is upon every high tower and every fenced wall in the land now. Thus far my friends and I have defied all the odds here and every sword that has been raised against us has been struck down.
Lastly, and probably the biggest reason I think I'm doing so well is my cows. (ha, ha, ha) Yeah, my cows have really been keeping me safe all these years. Here is a beautiful poem from Robert William Service entitled "Cow." (ha, ha, ha)
I love to watch my seven cows
In meads of buttercups abrowse,
With guilded knees;
But even more I love to see
Them chew the cud so tranquilly
In twilight ease.
Because of my mental health record and the stigma associated with it, I sometimes have a hard time convincing people that I'm sane. When I do convince them it is an accomplishment but I still have a very difficult time getting them to believe I can survive against all the odds. They don't seem to realize I have a whole day assisting me. They don't seem to believe in technology and all the spiritual intangibles that I understand. The circumstances look too bleak to them and they don't believe any one person can go against the current government establishment like we have been doing for nearly twelve years now. These people are looking at things without the lens of faith and from a historical perspective though.
And some of these people don't even know what freedom is or at least want it that bad. I'm sorry, I just can't settle for any situation other than freedom. If my family, Ra, and the mental health system now stand in my way of technological freedom, mobility, right to work, mingle, marry, and live safely in this life, I suppose I'll agree with what Robert Frost meant when he said, "The best way out is always through."
So just so people remember I told them this beforehand, God has told me I am going to survive this mess and outlive all the government harassers, Ra, my family, I-Dent, and my mortal enemies. Good is going to return and prevail in our society.
We have done much these past twelve years to show all the nay-sayers and doubters. But I am tired of trying to prove many of these blind, ignorant people wrong. I know I will go through all these problems in time but I can honestly say now I would like out of this "I US-frame" and mental health "commitment" box. It is on me like flies on shit.
I am so independent and set in my ways and attacked by so many bad people, that I wonder if I will ever be able to negotiate a loving, live-in, relationship with anyone. I must say, I have held out a long time for the monogamous ideal but in the end, it could be too much stress to put on any one woman. For the last few years the love police have ruled and love has been stifled. Yeah, I feel like a defacto lay ban has been placed on me due to my family and try as I might, I have been put on the women's most dangerous and untouchable list! (ha, ha, ha).
But get this, due to the help of some great men and women, my Dad, Mother and three brothers have all recently fallen! Now with my sisters gone and many of my evil relatives, I am finally free!
I can't express how grateful I am to the men and women who organized these events. They have answered my prayers and done what I just couldn't figure out how to safely do myself. I will forever remember this special day. It is like a hundred pound weight I had been walking around with, got taken from my shoulders. Read my next post to see how it all went down. It is a crazy story.
So given these recent events and a few of my constraints, what is the best way to proceed now? I am just thinking I need to hold onto all the ground I have gained or can gain now, but not spread myself so thin that I do not develop any one relationship well. I am going to build and prepare things here where I live now and not wait for marriage or a near-impossible escape to bail me out.
I am also going to work for technological freedom from the tags, threads and I-Dent. I have kinda been housebound for a long time now, so just going someplace and talking to someone in person would be a huge accomplishment for me. (ha, ha, ha) I may need to work harder, exercise harder, juggle my finances better, break the ice, do the tags, secretly arrange things, swat the flies, have the stars align just right, buy some space, look and pray for my dear life when I shoot the gap, and lastly, all but cause a small mountain to fall to make it happen,-- but I think it is still possible.
It has to be possible. Society is helping me tremendously now. They want me to be victorious. People are sacrificing to see it happen. It is going to happen!
God has brought me through a bad family situation, poverty, homelessness, problems with the law, mental hospitals, fiery furnaces, and needles, I think he will bring me through the isolation, the takers, the mobs, and the rest of it too. There are just things that I know and feel that maybe only I know, that I can't fully explain. I feel confident and have an abiding feeling that it's not my time to go now and that things are going to work out for me in the future.
Please know there are many other reasons why I am going to be an exception to the mental health mortality statistics in the future, but this explanation will just have to suffice for now.
The poet Robert Frost once wrote, "In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life: It goes on." Today I just want to thank all life and my friends everywhere for "going on" for me. Many of you friends I haven't personally met yet but am so grateful you have responded. I am often warned by skeptics that the love in society will eventually run out, that I will get old or less relevant, or that my friends will get completely and utterly exhausted somehow. But I don't see that happening right now. In contrast, The Zephyr Song by The Red Hot Chili Peppers explains exactly how things are going.
People are living so much more morally now, are getting better, and are very conscious of the problems in the world today. There are also so many more of us than the opposition. Mahatma Gandhi once said, "You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."
Here is a quote by actor Robert De Niro that I like. "It's important to listen to everyone because many people, you can get their input, but then finally, you have to make your own decision about what you're going to do. And that's what you feel, and that's the most important thing, I think-- the most important thing because that's where the uniqueness comes in because it's you, you've done it, it's your thing. It's not anybody else's. It's your choice."
Alexandra Morton explains an important point in her book "Listening to Whales: What the Orcas Have Taught Us." She says, "Chronicling the passage of whales has led me to an understanding that we as a species, now sand at a crossroads. We can face the possibility of our own extinction and work to avert it, or we can flow the more traditional path of earth's organisms and fall blindly over the edge. If there's one trait that characterised human beings, it's the will to survive. This, I believe, will motivate us to work with the natural world rather than opposite it, which is all we need to do to give the children of earth--of all species-- the opportunity to thrive."
No matter our wealth, education, or standing in society, every one of us has the power to shape our future today. We can speak up and change public opinions. We can invent better ways of doing things. We can do things that make this world a safer, more habitable, and peaceful place. I just wish more people could see that we are building a whole new world here now.
Yeah, today may be an enlightened time in history similar to just before the American Revolution in America when the founding fathers were getting together and discussing how to deal with the Tories and build and govern a new society-- separate, different, and freer than any society that existed then. I think we need to realize today that things don't have to be the way they were. Society can and is evolving. We can build smarter and fairer than ever before while still respecting and working with the powers that be. Here is a song by Eddie Vedder called "Society that mentions some important points.
I know we can and will eradicate all the evil in our society in preparation for Christ's second coming and the millennium. Yeah, I think He will come when everything is prepared and ready, and we have rolled out the red carpet and are waiting to usher Him in to His throne. The scriptures say, "He cometh to declare glad tidings of salvation unto His people" (Alma 39:15) --and He is definitely doing that now. I know no man knoweth the hour of His coming but I am just looking at things and wondering what more needs to occur or could be done. Maybe we are getting close to His coming now.
Well, it's exciting to see what's happening today and I really can't wait to see it all go down. With technology and the order that's in place, we definitely have the means to right things. We just have to do our small part. Let's keep things up and going, I think we're more than halfway to peace now! Please send my regards to all of you and wish everyone a Happy New Year this year. 2024 is going to be the best year ever!