Sunday, January 17, 2021

Wonderful Works

They say you slow down when you get older, that you stay indoors more, worry about your health and isolate. That is not my impression of old age. I have met many, many examples contrary to that. I'll call them Wonderful, and Wonderful really works people. 

Maybe it is that you think smarter not harder when you're older. Maybe you become more altruistic. Maybe you learn from a lifetime of experience how to get things done. Whatever the secret, I just want to say Wonderful is simply wonderful and I owe them a huge debt of gratitude for all they have done and continue to do for me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Wonderful. Wonderful makes the world go round.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

All Is Not Well In Zion

"Otherwise he who shall go up unto the land of Zion shall not be accounted as a wise steward. This is also an ensample. Amen"        -- Doctrine and Covenants 72:26

I consider myself to be a patient guy but sometimes life tests your patience to the max. As Lupe Fiasco sings in his song "The Show Goes On," sometimes we see people in the world who like to "treat you like a slave" and "put chains all on your soul and whips up on your back." At such times it may seem like the whole world has conspired to leave you out, that there is no justice, that you are all alone, trapped, suppressed and destined by the world to fail.

But then a thought crosses your mind, maybe just maybe, there is order in the universe. Maybe there is a concept called karma that catches up to the wicked and maybe the tides really do change and allow movement in society. 

Being oppressed is a hard lesson to learn, I wouldn't know, I have never been a slave exactly or been made to kneel, but I have been incarcerated and felt a little of what it feels like. I think we all need to feel "a little of it" every now and then to keep us honest. 

Now I'm not saying I'm Jesus or anything and some of my isolated and vexing experiences in life could be my own fault, but I have felt for a long time now that I need to call the world to repentance. What I'm saying and what I feel God wants me to say is that most people today (2020) are grossly wicked, unfeeling, faithless and willfully ignorant of God and divine law and need to repent in a serious way. 

America is at a tipping point and mark my word, people are going to be smitten unto destruction if they do not repent soon. I am not saying how or when God's justice will come upon America, but I am saying the current course we are on is unsustainable. There are the haves and have-nots in our society and some of our laws and government institutions literally prevent economic freedom and the pursuit of happiness. 

Our economy is so backward, unfair and driven by exploiting the younger generations, the poor, the unfortunate and the oppressed, that we don't even remotely consider economic opportunity and the right to work a basic human right. Maybe I am missing something about human nature, but I don't think we think enough about how our false economic system could be changed. 

Today we are incarcerating and disenfranchising a whole sector of people in America and no one seems to care. The media is more gay than ever. Our millennial generation is becoming more and more militantly gay. They don't want values, they don't want justice, they don't want sound money. Today there is more disparity between rich and poor than ever before.  

Then there is a huge combination and conspiracy to overthrow the freedoms of America and the world. The New World Order is plying harder than ever to control the money, people, resources and data of the world. 

It is now year 2020 and we are righting it, but for the longest time America was declining and losing its morality. The middle class was shrinking and giving into idle appetites. 

Despite all the above, here in Utah, there are many people who say, "All is well in Zion, Zion prospereth, all is well." For some reason, they don't see the malignant moral problems and hypocrisy we have here. They don't notice these things in our church even, and for all our so-called religiosity, no one wants to address it. 

As it says in the Book of Mormon about these all is well sayers, "Thus the devil cheateth their souls and leadeth them carefully down to hell." Let me just say it again for the record, ALL IS NOT WELL IN ZION AND THE WORLD TODAY! Consider what I'm saying. I mean well and you can always benefit from an outside perspective if you think real hard.  We don't always have to learn things from sore experiences and hardships.

I pray to God everyday that he gets me away from this cursed state of Utah. I didn't know any better when I first came here, but somehow in the process of going to school and working I kind of got stuck here, literally. (ha, ha, ha) 

There is hardly any innovation, notable art or architecture or much creative genius really, coming from this state --everything is dull, depressed and by the book. There is also no economic opportunity here as the economy is pretty much dead and stagnant. I swear, it is like the book "1984" here where virtually all business is complicit with Big Brother, i.e. the mental health system. 

As I said earlier, there is also something very sinister in the Mormon church here too. This is evidenced by all these religious people's insane preoccupation with everything mental health. In Utah they will jail you and "treat" you for the smallest infraction, especially social and religious nonconformity. In Utah they uphold family not the individual. 

There are so many "Peter Priesthoods" and "Jack Mormons" running around here that they are actively persecuting the good people. It is sad because in the Mormon church they have much of the religious truth but are rebelliously sinning against it. These people are walking in darkness in the light of day. I have hope for Utah but sadly, right now it is more bad than good. 

Thursday, January 7, 2021


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire  

I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if I am flogging it or getting flogged but it reminds me I gotta fight for what I believe in in this life. Emboldened evil abounds today. The world is becoming increasingly secular. Faith is receding here and in places like Europe. 

Though I am quickly becoming a minority here in the states, I am not going to hide my beliefs and try to blend into society. I am going to speak louder, and reject the world's degenerate trends even if I am the only one doing it and the world calls me mad. That's what I commit to doing when I say I believe in Christ. 

So maybe I will get flogged someday. Jesus said, "Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Talk is cheap until the heat is on but I hope I am ready for it. Will I jump on the bandwagon and shrink. Definitely no.


Has anyone heard the song Bluebird by country singer Miranda Lambert? I love that song, it is so poignant and on point with the way things are going today. Sometimes I look around and see nothing but war, bondage, lust, deception, hate and heartlessness in so many places. It seems like love has been extinguished and people are desperately fighting for their lives without turning to God. 

We all have the opportunity to choose what we are going to do when "the whole world stops singing and all the stars go dark." I think Miranda has figured out what she is going to do and knows what is of most importance. If only more singers could be like her. We need to give more props to singers like Miranda. Female singers like her and Taylor Swift for instance, are making a big impact on the world today.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.  --Maya Angelou

I just thought I would try to write something to whoever might be interested online. If anyone is actually reading this that's good news because I have been voiceless for about ten years now. I wrote some things online way back when but got flogged for saying those things (so beware what you write, and no, I didn't get literally flogged). When I found everything I had written hacked, nonexistent or manipulated on multiple sites like blogger, facebook, twitter etc., I just gave up on trying to voice myself. 

But things have changed since then and I have more important things to say now. I have a hunch that the people who were controlling and restricting my media back then, have lost some steam and are not going to be able to do as much now. While I said I was voiceless for ten years that is not completely true. Thoughtful and well-meaning people wrote for me and actually wrote more than I would have thought to. I'm grateful for them and the reassurances I received from time to time in my isolation. I am living proof that there is social justice in the world today as almost everything I struggled against ten years ago has been righted. The Lord has helped me and I just want to say I'm thankful for that. 


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...