Tuesday, January 5, 2021


There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you.  --Maya Angelou

I just thought I would try to write something to whoever might be interested online. If anyone is actually reading this that's good news because I have been voiceless for about ten years now. I wrote some things online way back when but got flogged for saying those things (so beware what you write, and no, I didn't get literally flogged). When I found everything I had written hacked, nonexistent or manipulated on multiple sites like blogger, facebook, twitter etc., I just gave up on trying to voice myself. 

But things have changed since then and I have more important things to say now. I have a hunch that the people who were controlling and restricting my media back then, have lost some steam and are not going to be able to do as much now. While I said I was voiceless for ten years that is not completely true. Thoughtful and well-meaning people wrote for me and actually wrote more than I would have thought to. I'm grateful for them and the reassurances I received from time to time in my isolation. I am living proof that there is social justice in the world today as almost everything I struggled against ten years ago has been righted. The Lord has helped me and I just want to say I'm thankful for that. 

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