Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Where It's At

So you want to know where it's at, huh?  I bet you already know. If you haven't seen this happening in the world today you are blind as a bat. Meth heads are where it's at and meth really kills people. 

I have people in my family with these types of addictions and they are a handful. They don't sleep, they are possessed by the drug. Heroin is their next drug of choice and it is possessing them too. While people who do drugs range from good to bad, there are some druggies that are sick, sick, sick. Beware of these people is what I'm saying.  

Back in my day, we had drug education programs in school teaching against recreational drug use. I don't think education about these things is as good as it used to be. The drugs have gotten worse too. My younger siblings and parents don't seem to have listened to the drug warnings much, they are all paying the price now.

If I had kids I would strongly, strongly, strongly advise them to avoid drugs like the plague. They will break you financially, literally waste your mind and body away, and destroy your peace. People don't realize what peace they have till it's gone. Addiction is a terrible thing to cope with. 

Things are so perilous today people need their minds functioning and the spirit with them 100% of the time, not just when they're not high. There is peace in following the commandments of God and heck, in just following common sense, if the commandments don't appeal to you. What we have today in society is a drug epidemic of huge proportions. Know that the commandments really are the safest thing to follow nowadays, as your best judgment can fail you and societal norms can't be trusted and fluctuate wildly. 

I have never touched drugs but all my family has. It has brought about terrible costs in my family too. My sisters are so addicted to meth, prescription medicine, and other drugs that they can't abstain from using them while pregnant.  Both Erin and Lindsey have had deformed babies because of drug use. One child may need open heart surgery and can't eat very much without having her lips turn blue from lack of circulation to the head. Another child of Lindsey's isn't growing properly and has brain damage and other problems.  Even the kids in my family that seem healthy may have latent health and developmental problems from their parent's drug use.  

This is all so alarming to me and the result of pride, foolishness, and extreme selfishness. I have warned and warned my family of the consequences of drug use and not living the commandments. They responded by ridiculing me, nearly killing me, and getting me shut-up in a mental hospital for a year and a half. Now they are getting a dose of their own medicine. It feels good to see my predictions verified, but it is tragically unfair for the kids involved. I don't think my sibling's kids deserve to have defective bodies the rest of their lives.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Price is Right

"Chaos and creativity go together. If you lose one percent of your chaos you lose your creativity."  --  Woody Harrelson quoting his taxi driver

I've been watching the Price is Right game show lately and a little voice in my head has been telling me what to buy and what is a good deal. I think 'not' lands are a good deal now and my friends need to buy more of those lands that seem helpful around the places where they live. Don't worry about me I am set. If anything, I will be better off if the people I know take better care of themselves and invest in their own personal safety instead of worrying about me all the time. 

I am optimistic that in time we can rise above the threats and eventually own all our neighborhoods and places where we live. We can do it if we work together collectively rather than individually. But I am just singing to the choir, most of you already know this. Thanks for being who you are. Bye for now. 


 "I'd rather be told an R-rated truth than a G-rated lie." -- Ken Gire   I'm calling this blog My Daily Flog. Not sure if ...