Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Price is Right

"Chaos and creativity go together. If you lose one percent of your chaos you lose your creativity."  --  Woody Harrelson quoting his taxi driver

I've been watching the Price is Right game show lately and a little voice in my head has been telling me what to buy and what is a good deal. I think 'not' lands are a good deal now and my friends need to buy more of those lands that seem helpful around the places where they live. Don't worry about me I am set. If anything, I will be better off if the people I know take better care of themselves and invest in their own personal safety instead of worrying about me all the time. 

I am optimistic that in time we can rise above the threats and eventually own all our neighborhoods and places where we live. We can do it if we work together collectively rather than individually. But I am just singing to the choir, most of you already know this. Thanks for being who you are. Bye for now. 

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