Monday, December 20, 2021


              Sitting is the new smoking.-- Anonymous

A problem I have now is my family and the sky block communications from friends and keep me in the dark about many things. I don't watch TV and I only just recently started getting media on my phone. I have kind of been in my own isolated and somewhat depressed world for a long time now, but I really must say, I could have tried harder.  

Yeah, a while back all I wanted to do was eat and sleep away my problems. That was not the answer though and I am repenting of that now. My body got weak from oversleeping and not exercising enough and when I did go to the gym, I was passing out from WAN. So I slept some more.....

Ahh, but that's no excuse, everything is good now and I am getting in shape here at home. The WAN is still playing with me here but what can you do? Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?  I'd rather be harassed than be coddled. I'd rather be twice as strong from my trials than to be mediocre and weak. Yeah, a while back I was kind of feeling like the card playing cowboy in this Back to the Future movie clip (ha, ha, ha) but have now changed my mind on that. Running is important and I am just going to have to bet the day will not do me wrong if I run. Oh, but Sly will though......i.e. check out this song by Mike Snow Animal. Sometimes you gotta sing this song to the day too. Beast of Burden

So anyways, I guess I've just been thinking lately that I should be a little more grateful that despite my sleeping through my problems somewhat instead of attacking them, I was still able to get through things all right. I must say, I was really, really depressed for a long, long time a while back. 

A girl I know shared a quote that I like a lot. She said, "If you are going through hell keep on going." I have thought about that quote a lot and all I can say is that consistently reading the scriptures during my depression helped me keep on going. For the longest time reading the scriptures was my sole way of updating myself- and it worked well. Reading the scriptures always gave me hope and the feeling that I could go through all the problems I was facing no matter how large, beyond my control, or seemingly intractable they were. The scriptures gave me the faith that I was an exception to the rule and not going to be a victim to circumstances. 

I can't fully explain how important the scriptures are to me, but I want people to know they can become a urim and thummin in your life. A urim and thummin was an instrument prepared by God to assist man in receiving revelation. 

Changing topics now, I have complained on here about my family but I want to refrain from doing that for the time being. I am very happy with my family now and don't want to do wickedly is what I'm saying. 

I think I need to thank and ac knowledge a lot more people too. I am realizing I became an alcoholic and drank a lot of wine during my depression and I must say, that was just wrong of me. 

Anyways, try and bear with me as I retrace my steps a little and figure things out going forward. I do feel much more optimistic now than I did years ago. I also feel like I am getting to the heart of my problems. I just want 'my love' to know I want to see her and be with her bad. As things get darker they are also going to get brighter and brighter until the perfect day. We can be taken and love will always find a way. Thanks for reading and God bless and guide you into all truth.    

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