Sunday, April 18, 2021

Prophets and Apostles

I swear, the only reason this world does not fall apart and sink to hell is there are so many prophets among us. I believe in prophets and find them everywhere. I was brought up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints which is organized after Christ's ancient church that He established with twelve apostles. In His church today the prophet and apostles speak every six months to the world. You can check out their messages on Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day (Look under the General Conference tab for President Russel M. Nelson's addresses, as well as messages from, Oaks, Eyring, Uchtdorf, Bednar, Ballard, Anderson, Stevenson, Christofferson, Gong, Soares,  Renlund, Cook, Holland and Rasband.) 

You might find the concept of prophets foreign or think it a belief system fraught with human error. If you have studied the scriptures however, you cannot deny that Christ organized a church with prophets. Prophets lead Christ's church through revelation and speak the mind and will of God to the world. People can receive personal revelation for themselves but Christ always gives revelation concerning the church to His prophets.   

Prophets are not perfect people but are as close to perfect as you are going to find in this world. God has said he will uphold the words of these men and will never lead his people astray through the apostles and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

Prophets are one of the only sure things you can trust in this world. They are Christlike people and give us simple but profound truths to govern our lives by. They are wise beyond their years and unlike the majority of people in the world, have actually seen and spoken with the Savior. That is why they are so important to listen to. They can greatly enhance your spirituality.

If you are still skeptical about prophets, perhaps because of all the false prophets in the world today, I recommend you pray and ask God if he has true prophets on earth and if the men I mentioned above are true prophets. You can know for yourself all truth through peaceful feelings from the spirit-- and do believe that God wants you to know of all true prophets, angels or divine scripture available today. Ask and you shall receive, knock and it shall be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8)

I am critical of many of the people in my church today. I am not saying you need to join the Mormon church as I believe it has grown corrupt much ike the Jewish church in Christ's day, which was the true religion, but overrun by Pharisees and Sadducees. 

As with most religion today, the church in the Latter-day Saint church is true but the people are not-- and believe me when I say there are many, many hypocrites in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints today. But unlike in Christ's day, the Latter-day Saint church is not going to fail in the last days. There will not be another apostasy. Prophets and the church will be here till the very end. 

Regardless of your religion, and I do believe there may be truer bodies of Christians, non-Christians or agnostics elsewhere, I'm simply saying you need to hear what the modern-day prophet and apostles are saying to the world today. They are really speaking for Christ and leading the church in power. I could be biased, but I think the doctrine of the Latter Day Saint church is the truest around and as I said before, the prophets cannot lead you astray-- God has said He won't allow them to. I just wanted anyone that does not know about these men to have a chance to hear them. 

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