Sunday, June 13, 2021


I swear, kids these days are hearing so many different things and are pulled to pieces by conflicting messages in their head. I seriously don't know how kids live and function with the social hell that is going on. I have to speak out about this because I have to prevent sexual and other kinds of abuse. When is the proper time to give your kid a cell phone and earpiece? Do you send your kid to public school or private? When do you explain sex to your kids and the big question, how?  

I have old-fashioned views on these things many people would say are antiquated, but I know they are correct. We need to put children first in our society. We need to treat them like individuals. People these days do horrific things to their kids in the name of company loyalty. 

If I had any kids I would want them to have number one, first and foremost, a pure, innocent childhood and life. I pray every day that my kids can have that kind of experience and feel free to think and question and do and pursue whatever they want in life. I want them to be educated in a good way and become exceptional, well-rounded, thoughtful people in society. I pray they will not be hindered by government institutions, false educators, religious hypocrites or fear of violence.

My kids would be given responsibilities at an early age and would learn how to learn, but maybe not in a standard academic setting. I would teach them to be perfectly honest with themselves, God, and other people; to be disciplined and practice hard at whatever they do. I would teach them respect for women, etiquette and manners, and how to serve people and make friends. I would teach them how to pray and to read the scriptures for personal revelation every day. I would teach them to trust in and know the only true God in this world.

I would teach them to hate and disrespect government generally. I would caution them in joining any formalized religion. I would teach them to oppose tyranny and oppression and instill in them a desire to fight for liberty and freedom. My kids would learn how to save and invest money and how to eat healthily and exercise. I would teach them to think for themselves and not to be misled. 

I would help them figure out what they are looking for in marriage but wouldn't influence their direction on that too much or arrange anything for them as I think that is wrong/weakness. I would mostly just teach them to marry for love if they want to marry. I would let them fail and make mistakes because that is sometimes how we learn, but I would always try and warn them beforehand of serious pitfalls in life such as drugs, pornography, immorality, dishonesty, laziness, ungratefulness, selfishness, and unbridled anger.     

My kids would learn to relax, laugh, and cut loose. I would teach them to be discerning with the friends, music, and entertainment they choose. They would learn how to be self-sufficient and live healthy, balanced, productive, dynamic, thoughtful, and creative lives. I would teach them to appreciate nature and the outdoors and to be good stewards of resources in this world. I would teach them to help the poor and vulnerable and not to judge. My kids would learn to organize themselves, make plans, and accomplish goals. They would learn to be clean and neat.

I have listed a plethora of things here in random order. Perhaps the most important thing I would stress with my kids is the responsibility to be pure. Zion is the pure in heart. Zion will be saved in the last days. Virtue can be stolen from you, and I pray every day that my kids and wife never have that kind of hardship, but regardless of what happens to you, you can still be pure in heart. No one but yourself can take purity from you. Purity unlocks the powers of heaven and "it shall be well with them" (Moroni 9) who are possessed of a related attribute, i.e. the pure love of Christ, or charity. In the scriptures, it is promised that the pure will see God and be saved.   

So anyways, I am saddened by what I see in the world sometimes. Kids are fighting for their lives and sanity and we need to listen to what they have to say. Some of them are choice spirits reserved for the last days and they may be some of the most inspired influences we have around us. I'm not a Dad but I think I know how to be one. I just wish people who are now parenting would be more responsible with their kids. 

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