Monday, June 14, 2021

Feeling Blessed

I spoke before about safety nets. People might also call it a Plan B. Whatever you want to call it, what we have today really works people. I am perpetually amazed at how people who struggle are helped, numbered, and reinforced in our society. Yeah, the system is not perfect and cumbersome, but I don't see how many people slip through the cracks really. It is that good. 

It is so good they pretty much tell you after you get put on Plan B that you can't work. That was alarming to me and went against everything I was taught in life. For a while I resisted and worked anyways, resenting the authorities and arguing I was being discriminated against. Time has shown me, however, that I had it all wrong in wanting to work strictly for money at an 8-5 job. 

I have found now that not working has been a huge relief to my personal defenses and safety. What I really needed to recognize back then was the huge danger I was in. Not working has given me time to get my thinking right and to take the necessary precautions. 

Now don't take this the wrong way, but believe me when I say there really isn't any more incentive to work these days. Others dominate the workforce, slave labor abounds, the world is awash with minted money, the system is what it is, and I guess what I am saying is why fight it, get on the public bus, and just help the day right it full-time. 

So maybe I was not cut out for a job in life after all. This funny clip sums up how I feel these days about work (ha, ha, ha).  Froot Loops

Today I work from home, kind of run my own business and do other things instead. You can say I am consigned to the ranks of the poor and disabled and that I help all for a living now. I am not rich but I live in a comfortable house in a secure area. The day helps me out tremendously, and the attention I get for problems is phenomenal. I get to do and C and create whatever I want all day, any time I want. 

Things are so good I am beginning to wonder what I did to deserve all this. I am just hoping I don't get spoiled with my newfound security and become apathetic and complacent. You know apathy is the biggest killer nowadays. 

Now I wouldn't advise people to tell off their lawyer boss and quit, then have a huge sexual morality fight with their family, get drugged, go homeless, get sent to jail, then to a mental hospital, and then get put on welfare just yet-- because I don't know if it works out as good for everyone else. I'm just saying it has worked out for me thus far, that's all.  

We truly live in the Great Society President Lyndon B. Johnson and others worked hard to create years ago. In America, you get second chances. In America, you can rise from nothing to the very top. People might say having everything given to you is a trap and unhealthy. They may be right but I say it is a trap if you're ungrateful.

All I can say is that even though I am not forced to work for money right now, that doesn't mean I don't work for the common good. I get state welfare benefits but it's not a lot and so does half of society today. The other half are living on minted money. Ahh, it's so hard to see who is being financially honest these days. 

The safety net that is in place literally saved my life. My family was trying to kill me and completely starve me out back then. Now they are not nearly as threatening and influential. The day has helped me out a ton with them and I think my family now see some of the flaws in their reasoning. Maybe one day we can all be one big happy accepting family. 

Well, I just want to thank the Lord and everyone again for everything that's been done for me. I was ostracized, abandoned, flamed, oppressed, broke, homeless and living on a prayer ten years ago. Now I am in totally different circumstances (but still living on a prayer, that's always a good thing!). Indeed, I have done a complete 360 in life and everything is set for me to get married now (ha, ha, ha). I may just be feeling happy today, but I can't think of any good reason not to. So cross your fingers I can actually see it happening soon. Thanks for reading and be safe now.

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