Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Hello, I kind of retract what I said the other day concerning my fears about my name being like Kurt Cobain's. The reason is, I don't want to be too cautious now-- the field is white. So I am still Dallas Jolley. 

Also, my car is running super and that diagnosis comes from a really, really, expert mechanic I talked to. I am driving an 85' Camry now and it is very clean and well-maintained. I did get sideswiped a while back by a sick, crazy driver and she wasn't paying for damages, but I'm fixing that now. She is paying. 

This mechanic I talked to is very, very old and knows his stuff. He says I have an open road and am clear to drive just about anywhere.....Hmmm. 

I said last post that I may be vindicated. That is not a hope but a promise, and I already have been a lot- but I am thinking about the core person or problem now i.e, our modern day Hitler. (You all know who I'm talking about so I won't say). Yeah, I don't think he is going to last five more years is my prediction. We can do it! Remember we helped Sophie NorCAL. She is free now partly because of us.

I said I wanted to be fair with Laura Madsen / Meek. I interpreted my dream about her and yeah, she was bizarre and trying to make me homeless, but who wasn't back then ( yeah, that's what I want to know). I don't know how I was so wrong about her and why I had some awkward guilt trip that I was putting her out. She makes my shape-shifting family look perfect. 

So anyway, I still don't look that well. I guess take that into account. All I can say is I am grateful for those people who have a more refined sense of discernment. They have been looking out for me and have helped me so much.  

Well, I don't work and pretty much all that God has told me to do as of recent is to reflect, recalibrate, keep the commandments, support and exhort the church and work on going live. I'm spoiled. I feel so optimistic right now I can hardly express it. 

I recently did another round in my thinking and came back to where I was ten years ago. I found that that has been so true all this time and has never left me. I am so blessed. I don't want to be more specific now, but I hope the person I am thinking of knows I am talking about them. Sorry, actually I meant "talking to them." Ahhh, words don't express what I am trying to say now. Everlasting is probably the best word that describes what I feel though. 

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